“Double Bassist” articles on early music

Spring/Summer 1996
The Dragon’s Allure–the lasting legacy of Dragonetti p.42



Autumn/Winter 1996
About the Music–Franz Simandl’s bass legacy p.62



Spring/Summer 1997
Violone Verismo: historically informed performance p.62



Summer 1998
Back to Baroque—Approaching Early Music p.60



Winter 1999
Gut Reaction—the history of strings and string making p.24



Spring 2000
Back to the Future—the rise of the violone p.27



Summer 2001
Visual Evidence—the double bass in 16th and 17th century art p.50



Spring 2002
Journey to Oz–the history of the bass in Australia



Summer 2002
Bass evolution–Joëlle Morton researches the instrument’s roots



Winter 2003
Retuning Revival–a new look at Vienese tuning



Spring 2004
Gut instinct–part two of our tutorial on Vienese tuning



Summer 2005
From Past to Future–Silvio Dalla Torre’s rediscovered bassetto



Spring 2006
Renaissance Woman–British baroque basssit Chi-chi Nwanoku explains why working with period insturments is so rewarding.



For more information or to order back issues of the “Double Bassist” contact dbassist@orpheuspublications.com.

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